HSG66: 3D Printing Part 1: Basics & Uses in Gaming
This begins a periodic series on 3D Printing in Gaming. We discuss the two most common types available for consumers (FDM and SLA) the strengths and weaknesses of both. We touch a bit on the software used and the many uses a gamer would have for a 3D pri...
This begins a periodic series on 3D Printing in Gaming. We discuss the two most common types available for consumers (FDM and SLA) the strengths and weaknesses of both. We touch a bit on the software used and the many uses a gamer would have for a 3D printer.
A few tips to consider: things like joining the community for the printer you're interested in before buying, have an idea of your focus in printing (fine detail or larger items), be ready to fiddle and play with settings to really perfect your prints.
Other resources:
3D Printed Tabletop - YouTube channel
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