HSG110: Knights of the Shadow Realm an Epic DnD Module

High Shelf Gaming brings on Zac and David to talk about their new Kickstarter 'Knights of the Shadow Realm' which is a gigantic D&D module bringing characters from 1st to 20th level with a big story all along the way. David ran this game for his friend g...
High Shelf Gaming brings on Zac and David to talk about their new Kickstarter 'Knights of the Shadow Realm' which is a gigantic D&D module bringing characters from 1st to 20th level with a big story all along the way. David ran this game for his friend group and is turning the adventure into this module for you and your friends to play. It comes with the main quest and a living world of interwoven plot-hooks that change as the world progresses around the player characters. We also take a moment to talk about Zac's D&D supplement which includes a TON of material for oceanic games, monsters, subraces, and lore all available for the GM wanting to take on the high seas.
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